FocusCore is a boutique human resources and recruitment service agency in Asia. We are expanding our Japan operations and are looking to hire research consultants to the team. As a consultant, we will provide you with the top training, tools and technology to assist you in developing into a professional. Individuals work in a team environment, while being held accountable for individual business growth targets. A combination of recruiting, account development and account management skills are required for this position.
- 日本語ネイティブでビジネス英語能力のある人。Native Japanese and business level English.
- 1-3年の職務経験のある人。1 to 3 years of work experience.
- 口頭・文面コミュニケーション能力のある人。Strong spoken and written communication skills.
- 積極性のある人。Self- driven
- 成果に拘りを持てる人。Results driven
- チームプレイヤー、協調性のある人。Team players
- 細かいところに気配りのできる人。Detail oriented
- 柔軟性・適応性のある人。Flexibility and adaptability
- 営業またはコールセンター経験のある人歓迎。Experience in sales or telesales welcomed
Every day is surprisingly different! Your responsibilities will include:
- 募集情報をネットや求人掲示板に記載する。Writing and posting jobs on a variety of websites and job boards.
- データベースから求職者をソーシングする。Sourcing candidates from our database, advertising, and internet.
- 求職者についてリファラルを受ける。Taking referrals on candidates by telephone.
- 求職者と長期的なコネクション構築、常に情報を把握、更新する。Providing customer service for existing candidates to update any information.
- 求職者と電話面談を行い、スキルやニーズ等を探り、理解する。Speaking with candidates on the phone to evaluate and understand their skills and job preferences.
- 記録維持・データベース管理を行う。Maintaining good record keeping and database administration.
1. 書類選考 Initial screening
2. 一次面接(人材獲得マネージャ選考)Meet people engagement manager
3. 二次面接(マネージメントチーム選考)Meet management team
4. 半日職場体験 Half day in the office
5. リファレンスチェック Reference check
採用に関する問い合わせ先 (QUESTIONS & INQUIRIES):
フレックスタイム制 Flexibility available
- Base salary of 3,000,000 - 6,000,000 annually + discretionary performance bonus
- 交通費 Commuting allowance
- 健康保険 Health Insurance
- 厚生年金保険 Pension
- 雇用保険 Unemployment Ins.
- 労災保険 Workers Compensation
- ワークライフバランスの推進及び徹底 Strong emphasis on work-life balance
- 有給休暇 Paid annual leave
- 病休 Sick leave
- 祝祭日 Japanese national holidays