Compensation & Benefitマネージャーとして、チーム(Payroll Manager、パートタイマー、派遣、業務委託スタッフ)を率いて、NY本社の担当者、HRBPs,そそして外部ビジネスパートナーチームと連携しながら、Compensation & Benefit関連業務(給与を含む)を遂行する。
チームメンバー:正社員1名、Part-timer x2名、ベンダー1名のマネジメント
Compensation & Benefit Manager will lead a team (Payroll Manager, Part-timers, temp staff, vendors), work closely with HQ/APAC counterpart, HRBPs in Japan, and external business partners to perform overall Compensation & Benefit related tasks (including payroll).
• 8年以上のPayroll含めたCompensation & Benefit関連業務経験者
• チームマネジメント経験者
• ネイティブレベルの日本語、ビジネスレベルの英語力
• アドバンスレベルでMS Excelをコマンドできること
• Hands on vs off,Big Picture vs Detailのバランスを取りながら業務遂行できる方
• 分析的思考力のある方
• 現状に満足せず、常に問題意識をもって、状況改善を積極的に遂行できる方
• プレッシャーがある環境においても優先順位をつけ、期日を守って成果・結果を出せる方
• 対人能力に優れ、複数のStakeholderに対してコミュニケーションがしっかりとできること
• 業務の特性上、高い機密保持へのプロフェッショナル意識を有する方
• 8+ years of Compensation & Benefit related experience including Payroll, preferably in a Global company and/or matrix organization.
• Team management experience
• Native level of Japanese and business level of English
• Ability to command MS Excel at advanced level
• Able to balance Hands on vs off, Big Picture vs. Detail in execution
• Analytical thinking skills
• Never satisfied with the status quo and proactively work to improve the situation.
• Able to prioritize, meet deadlines and deliver results in a pressured environment
• Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate well with multiple stakeholders
• High level of confidentiality and professionalism due to the nature of the work
Compensation & Benefit
・HRBPと連携しながら、年次給与レビュー(ICR: Individual Compensation Review)の実施
・Retail & Retail Excellence, FP&Aと連携しながら、コミッション関連業務
・総務と連携しながら、1. ベネフィット関連ポリシーレビュー、アップデート、例:永年勤続、健康診断、社員販売
・Work closely with HRBPs to conduct Annual Individual Compensation Review (ICR)
・Commission related work in coordination with Retail & Retail Excellence and FP&A team
・Salary Benchmark Survey, C&B related reports, market data analysis and reports based on management needs
・Salary Proposal and Legal advice upon various salary changes
・In collaboration with General Affairs 1. lead policy revision on benefits including Long Year of Service Award, health check, employee discount purchase 2. working visa Administration (check upon hire/renewal)
Labor Cost Budget, Control, Reporting
・HRBP、FP&A, HQと連携し、人件費予算作成/予測サポート(有給休暇引当金の計算含)
・Work with HRBP, FP&A, and HQ to prepare labor cost budget and support forecast
・Monthly, annual and adhoc reporting on labor costs
HR Data Management
・Management of HR-related data (ensure data accuracy, conduct regular data audits)
・Manage HRIS in Japan and work with Global as necessary
・HRIS Project Lead
・Achieve operational excellence (e.g., monthly attendance, payroll, system effectiveness, reporting, etc.)
・Participation in ad hoc projects as needed
・Internal & external audit support
Perform the following duties while supervising a team
・Monthly salary and annual bonus related services
・Work closely with payroll vendor to conduct monthly payroll process
・Various payroll related work including verifying monthly payroll calculation/payout and journal entries
・Handle inquiries from employees regarding taxes, social insurance, etc., and monitor various application procedures with external vendors.
・Maintenance of time attendance system data
・Handling and procedures related to entry, exit, and transfer of employees
・Respond to inquiries from the relevant governmental agencies (employment status of persons with disabilities, Statutory Reporting)
・Act as Liaison for LVMH group on Group's common benefits programs
・Handle expat related services (insurance, pension, tax) in collaboration with a tax accounting firm
Policy & Procedure
・Maintain (change and update) general employment regulations in line with global guidelines/local policies
・Support review, implementation, and communication of C&B-related policies and procedures
Major Stakeholders
内部:Tiffanyジャパンの全従業員、FP&A, Accounting、Tiffany HQ C/B team, Tiffany APAC C/B Manager, LVMH Japan and APAC C/B Team
Internal: All Tiffany Japan employees, FP&A, Accounting, HQ and APAC C/B Manager, LVMH Japan and APAC C/B Team
External: Payroll vendors, tax accounting firms, insurance companies, auditing firms, tax offices, etc., labor standards supervisory offices, health insurance unions