Forvis Mazarsについて
Forvis Mazarsは世界をリードするプロフェッショナル・サービス・ネットワークです。私たちの40,000人の強力なチームは、世界中で比類のないクライアント・エクスペリエンスを提供することに全力を尽くしています。私たちは1つのチームとして活動し、協力的で統合されたアプローチをとることで、あらゆる業種や地域のあらゆる規模のクライアントに、一貫したパーソナライズされたサービスを提供しています。
1992年に設立され、日本では30年以上の経験を培ってまいりました。以来、Forvis Mazars in Japanは、日本企業、世界各国の多国籍企業、及び外国人投資家のクライアントに対して監査、税務、アウトソーシング、アドバイザリーサービスを提供する点で主要な役割を果たし、今日では、日本におけるトップのプロフェッショナルサービス・ファームとして認知されています。現在、18名のパートナーのリーダーシップのもと、約20国籍の250名以上のプロフェッショナルを擁しています。
About Forvis Mazars
Forvis Mazars is a leading global professional services network. Our 40,000+ strong team is committed to delivering an unmatched client experience across the globe. We operate as one team, taking a collaborative, integrated approach that allows us to deliver consistent and personalised services to clients of all shapes and sizes, across all sectors and geographies.
Established in 1992, we have over 30 years of experience in Japan. Forvis Mazars in Japan has played a key role in providing audit, tax, outsourcing and advisory services to clients from all over the world including Japanese companies, multinational company, and foreign investor clients from around the world. We employ more than 250 professionals across 20+ nationalities under the leadership of 18 partners. Today, Forvis Mazars in Japan is recognized as one of the top professional services firms in Japan.
About this position
Japanese (business level)
English (daily conversation level or above)
Foreigners must have a visa to work here.
Experience of working in an office environment
Basic Word/Excel operation (typing level)
Those studying for accountancy qualifications.
【Accounting Team】
【Payroll Team】
【Audit Team】
You will be placed in the required department within Forvis Mazars in Japan.
Under the supervision of a senior and manager, you will be responsible for a number of tasks from the list below. (Some changes may occur depending on the team to which you are assigned).
Accounting Team
-Supporting the accounting bookkeeping duties of permanent employees.
-Admin work such as sorting and scanning mail
Supporting the accounting work of regular employees - Admin work such as sorting and scanning mail
Payroll Team
Data entry of insurance premium deductions for year-end adjustment
-Organisation of insurance premium deduction certificates for year-end adjustment
-Checking the submission status of year-end adjustment documents
-Preparation and sending of payroll reports
-Sending out withholding tax certificates (including making envelopes)
Audit Team
-Support work for audit operations
[Commencement period and number of applicants].
Start: 1st or 16th of each month is the start date. The start date will be discussed with you when you sign the employment contract.
Duration: we do not recruit for short periods of time. We welcome applications from candidates who are available to work for at least six months.
Number of applicants: varies depending on the time of year.
時間:09:15 ~ 18:15 の間で要相談
Days: 4 days a week, minimum 4 hours a day
Hours: between 09:15 and 18:15 on request
時給1300円+交通費(実費)1300 yen per hour + transport costs (actual costs)
土日祝、その他会社で決められた休日 Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and other company holidays as determined by the company.