Hospitality jobs in Japan

Keep up with the latest job opportunities in Japan's travel, tourism, and hospitality sector. Whether you are search for a career in hotel management, restaurant management, event planning, or travel services, connect with top employers and meet your career goals.

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27 results

在宅 リモート コーディネーター インバウンド トラベル 旅行 ツアー手配 旅行手配 バイリンガル 旅行商品開発 ツアープランナー 旅行オペレーション コンシェルジュ
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time ¥280,000 - ¥350,000 / Monthly
20397 | KODO Travel | Posted 2025-02-12
KODO Travel - インバウンド旅行会社での旅行商品企画・手配担当者

KODO Travelは、日本の自然や文化を活かしたアドベンチャートラベル&ラグジュアリーツアーを企画・提供する旅行会社です。


現在、当社では 旅行商品企画・手配担当者(ツアープランナー) を募集しています!

・ 旅行商品の企画・造成(訪日インバウンド向けアドベンチャーツアー)
・ ツアー手配・運営管理(宿泊・交通・アクティビティのコーディネート)
・ BtoB向け旅行プランの提案(欧米・オーストラリアの旅行会社や法人顧客)
・ 旅行客の現地サポート

・ フルリモート勤務OK(月1回、小田原市または東京駅周辺での対面ミーティングあり)
・ 国際色豊かでフラットなチーム環境 — 多様なバックグラウンドを持つメンバーと協力しながら働くことができます
・ クリエイティブな旅行企画 — オーダーメイドの特別な旅を創り上げる仕事です
・ 柔軟な働き方—成果を重視し、自分に合ったワークスタイルを実現可能

日本の魅力を世界に発信する ツアープランナーとして、新たなキャリアを築きませんか?

Recreation reception customer service
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time ¥210,000 - ¥230,000 / Monthly
20465 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2025-02-06
Tokyo American Club - Recreation Service  Attendant (Azabudai, Full-Time)

Tokyo American Club has been an integral part of the international community in Tokyo since its founding in 1928.
With 3,700 Members, drawn from 50-plus nations, the Club offers a diverse range of cultural, business and recreational activities and amenities in the heart of the Japanese capital.

fitness gym Tokyo Nihonbashi Private membership Club Tokyo American Club Hospitality attendant
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Part-Time ¥1,300 - ¥1,400 / Hourly
20069 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2025-01-29
Tokyo American Club - Fitness Attendant (Nihonbashi, Part-time)

Tokyo American Club has been an integral part of the international community in Tokyo since its founding in 1928.
With 4,000 Members, drawn from 50-plus nations, the Club offers a diverse range of cultural, business and recreational activities and amenities in the heart of the Japanese capital.

Located in the heart of one of Tokyo’s most vibrant neighborhoods, Tokyo American Club Nihonbashi represents the international club’s first-ever satellite facility in its 92-year history opened its doors in March 2021 . Blending Tokyo American Club’s hallmarks of exceptional service and amenities, the Nihonbashi Club offers exclusive and private experience to our Members.

Food and Beverage Restaurant service Gourmet Nihonbashi Muromachi waiter waitress 日本橋  ウェイトレス ウェイター レストラン グルメ 会員制 サービス 英語
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time ¥250,000 - ¥275,000 / Monthly
20068 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2025-01-29
Tokyo American Club - Restaurant Junior Captain (Nihonbashi, Full-time)

Located in the heart of one of Tokyo’s most vibrant neighborhoods, Tokyo American Club Nihonbashi represents the international club’s first-ever satellite facility in its 93-year history. Blending Tokyo American Club’s hallmarks of exceptional service and amenities, the Nihonbashi Club promises to be an exclusive, downtown retreat in which to unwind, entertain and work out.

reception membership Club Front international Hospitality hotelier
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Part-Time ¥1,300 - ¥1,500 / Hourly
20067 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2025-01-29
Tokyo American Club - Receptionist  ( Nihonbashi, Part-time)

Tokyo American Club is the most well-known and highly reputed private club in Japan. We have a 90 year history and have received international recognition such as Distinguished Clubs and Platinum Clubs of the World. Our 10,000+ Members hail from over 60 countries around the world, and represent the top level of international business and society in Japan.

Tokyo American Club offers one of the most diverse and unique working environments for hospitality professionals in Tokyo.
As one of our 400 employees from more than 30 countries, you will be part of the team of a world-class organization that has been recognized as a Platinum City Club of the World and an Iconic Distinguished Club.

Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Part-Time ¥1,300 - ¥1,600 / Hourly
19400 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2025-01-20
Tokyo American Club - Restaurant Receptionist (Casual Adult Dning, Azabudai, Part-time)

Responsible for daily operations, controls guest flow and reservations, and ensures a professional first and last impression for guests.


Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time ¥220,000 - ¥260,000 / Monthly
19011 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2025-01-20
Tokyo American Club - Restaurant Receptionist (Casual Adult Dning, Azabudai, Full-time)

Responsible for daily operations, controls guest flow and reservations, and ensures a professional first and last impression for guests.


Job search Fulltime captain Restaurant waiter service food Cafe english membership Tokyo attendant レストラン、ウェイター、ウェイトレス、アテンダント、カフェ、東京、港区、会員制クラブ
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time ¥300,000 - ¥340,000 / Monthly
18980 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2025-01-15
Tokyo American Club - Service Captain (Family Dining, Full-time)

Tokyo American Club has been an integral part of the international community in Tokyo since its founding in 1928.
With 4,000 Members, drawn from 50-plus nations, the Club offers a diverse range of cultural, business and recreational activities and amenities in the heart of the Japanese capital.

LVMH luxury Christian Dior Cafe Hospitality food & beverage
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time
18351 | LVMH Japan Group | Posted 2025-01-07


東京エリア *2025年度Open

実働7.5時間 休憩1.5時間のシフト制

fitness gym Trainer sports instructor Tokyo Minatoku Private membership Club
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time ¥230,000 - ¥235,000 / Monthly
18055 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2024-12-25
Tokyo American Club - Fitness Attendant (Azabudai, Full-time)

Responsible for ensuring the safe and smooth operation of the fitness center, assisting members with their workout regimens, and demonstrating proper equipment usage.


パート アルバイト 東京都 千代田区 東京駅 フードサービス ドリンクサービス ケータリング 料飲 接客 接遇 土日祝休 外資系 英会話 時給 月給 平日
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Part-Time (Contract) ¥1,600 - ¥1,600 / Hourly
16272 | GLOBESHIP SODEXO Corporate Services K.K. | Posted 2024-11-28


ビルメンテナンスの国内パイオニアであるグローブシップ㈱と、世界の総合施設管理大手の仏ソデクソ (Sodexo S.A.) との合弁会社が、

総合施設管理(IFM: Integrated Facility Management )事業を展開。



Restaurant membership Club Tokyo American Club Chef cook high end luxury steak American
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time ¥500,000 - ¥590,000 / Unspecified
14589 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2024-10-24
Tokyo American Club - Chef de Cuisine_FullTime

Seeking for passionate and skilled Italian chef to spearhead an exciting new dining concept at our recently opened restaurant!


Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time
4747 | LVMH Japan Group | Posted 2024-09-11
LVMH Japan Group - Moynat - Sales Associate


cook Kitchen Restaurant culinary Tokyo American Club Azabu Minato-ku membership Club Executive
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time ¥230,000 - ¥260,000 / Monthly
4413 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2024-07-12
Tokyo American Club - Cook (Casual Adult Dining Kitchen, Regular)

Tokyo American Club has been an integral part of the international community in Tokyo since its founding in 1928.
With 4,000 Members, drawn from 50-plus nations, the Club offers a diverse range of cultural, business and recreational activities and amenities in the heart of the Japanese capital.
In 2018, the Club was named in the Platinum City Clubs of the World top 100 list by the Club Leaders Forum. The accolade followed the Club's Distinguished Club recognition by the BoardRoom magazine the year before.

2018年、当クラブはクラブ・リーダーズ・フォーラムによる「Platinum City Clubs of the World」トップ100に選出されました。この栄誉は、前年度のBoardRoom誌による当クラブのDistinguished Club認定に続く快挙です。

Restaurant waiter service food Cafe english membership Tokyo attendant レストラン、ウェイター、ウェイトレス、アテンダント、カフェ、東京、港区、会員制クラブ
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time ¥180,000 - ¥230,000 / Monthly
5115 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2024-07-09
Tokyo American Club - Restaurant Service Attendant (Full-time)

Tokyo American Club has been an integral part of the international community in Tokyo since its founding in 1928.
With 4,000 Members, drawn from 50-plus nations, the Club offers a diverse range of cultural, business and recreational activities and amenities in the heart of the Japanese capital.

Tokyo 東京 Banquet バンケット service attendant ウェイター ウェイトレス membership Club 会員制クラブ Restaurant レストラン Hotel ホテル Minaoku、港区
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time ¥200,000 - ¥240,000 / Monthly
5339 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2024-07-09
Tokyo American Club - Banquet Service Attendant


Serve first-rate culinary delights to our diners at a variety of events, from business luncheons through formal banquets. This role requires excellent teamwork with a friendly efficient service-minded attitude.

Restaurant waiter service food Cafe english membership Tokyo attendant レストラン、ウェイター、ウェイトレス、アテンダント、カフェ、東京、港区、会員制クラブ
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Part-Time ¥1,200 - ¥1,400 / Hourly
5116 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2024-07-09
Tokyo American Club - Restaurant Service Attendant (Part-time)

Tokyo American Club has been an integral part of the international community in Tokyo since its founding in 1928.
With 4,000 Members, drawn from 50-plus nations, the Club offers a diverse range of cultural, business and recreational activities and amenities in the heart of the Japanese capital.

security anti-disasters safety guard nightshift membership club 警備 セキュリティー 防災 東京 夜勤 会員制
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time ¥210,000 - ¥220,000 / Monthly
4603 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2024-06-12

Tokyo American Club has been an integral part of the international community in Tokyo since its founding in 1928.
With 4,000 Members, drawn from 50-plus nations, the Club offers a diverse range of cultural, business and recreational activities and amenities in the heart of the Japanese capital.

In 2018, the Club was named in the Platinum City Clubs of the World top 100 list by the Club Leaders Forum. The accolade followed the Club's Distinguished Club recognition by the BoardRoom magazine the year before.

Recreation reception customer service
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Part-Time ¥1,150 - ¥1,200 / Hourly
5898 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2024-06-12
Tokyo American Club - Recreation Service Desk  Attendant (Part-Time)

Tokyo American Club has been an integral part of the international community in Tokyo since its founding in 1928.
With 3,700 Members, drawn from 50-plus nations, the Club offers a diverse range of cultural, business and recreational activities and amenities in the heart of the Japanese capital.

Pastry Baker Chef Kitchen cook Restaurant
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time ¥260,000 - ¥300,000 / Monthly
6210 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2024-04-18
Tokyo American Club - Pastry Chef

Seeking a highly motivated culinary professional to prepare pastries, desserts and various baked goods. Candidate will have creative freedom to make inspired seasonal menu items with access to the highest quality ingredients. If you are interested in American food culture, why don't you work with us?


Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time ¥230,000 - ¥290,000 / Monthly
6174 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2024-03-27

Tokyo American Club has been an integral part of the international community in Tokyo since its founding in 1928.
With 3,700 Members, drawn from 50-plus nations, the Club offers a diverse range of cultural, business and recreational activities and amenities in the heart of the Japanese capital.

In 2018, the Club was named in the Platinum City Clubs of the World top 100 list by the Club Leaders Forum. The accolade followed the Club's Distinguished Club recognition by the BoardRoom magazine the year before.

グローバルゲイツ ホテル客室清掃 ベッドメイキング 清掃 正社員 ホテル 指導 育成 マネージャー 管理者 foreigners Japan Hotel Housekeeping housekeeper 東京 北海道 福岡 神奈川 韓国
United States, Texas Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time
6071 | Global Gates Co.,Ltd | Posted 2024-02-26

グローバルゲイツ(Global Gates)は、人と環境にやさしい商品とサービスを取り扱う総合商社であり、メイン商品として提供するホテルのハウスキーピングマネジメントを、世界中で展開しています。

誰もが知るホテルの”キレイ”を作るお仕事です。 清掃スタッフの育成や指導、清掃が終わったお部屋のチェック! ・客室清掃の経験がある方、清掃責任者の経験がある方は優遇!もちろん、未経験者も大歓迎!








グローバルゲイツ ホテル客室清掃 ベッドメイキング 清掃 正社員 ホテル 指導 育成 マネージャー 管理者 foreigners Japan Hotel Housekeeping housekeeper 東京 北海道 福岡 神奈川 韓国
South Korea, Seoul Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time
5939 | Global Gates Co.,Ltd | Posted 2024-02-26

グローバルゲイツ(Global Gates)は、人と環境にやさしい商品とサービスを取り扱う総合商社であり、メイン商品として提供するホテルのハウスキーピングマネジメントを、世界中で展開しています。

誰もが知るホテルの”キレイ”を作るお仕事です。 清掃スタッフの育成や指導、清掃が終わったお部屋のチェック! ・客室清掃の経験がある方、清掃責任者の経験がある方は優遇!もちろん、未経験者も大歓迎!








Memebrship club hospitalities Hotel wedding Party Manager Pool fitness swimming Recreation
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time (Contract) ¥400,000 - ¥450,000 / Unspecified
6055 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2024-02-19
Tokyo American Club - Pool Manager

Tokyo American Club is the most well-known and highly reputed private club in Japan.
Pool Manger is responsible for the efficient and effective operation of the Pool facilities.


entry Ambassador Parking attendant facility Tokyo American club english door man bell doorman bellstaff 東京アメリカンクラブ 外国人 英語 駐車場 ドアマン
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Part-Time ¥1,200 - ¥1,400 / Hourly
5744 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2023-10-30
Tokyo American Club - Entry Ambassador (Part-time)

Tokyo American Club is the most well-known and highly reputed private club in Japan. We have a 90 year history and have received international recognition such as Distinguished Clubs and Platinum Clubs of the World. Our 10,000+ Members hail from over 60 countries around the world, and represent the top level of international business and society in Japan.

Tokyo American Club offers one of the most diverse and unique working environments for hospitality professionals in Tokyo.
As one of our 400 employees from more than 30 countries, you will be part of the team of a world-class organization that has been recognized as a Platinum City Club of the World and an Iconic Distinguished Club.