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426 results

メディア むベント ブランド ラグゞュアリヌ 雑誌 むベントプロデュヌサヌ PR
Japan, Tokyo Marketing / PR / Advertising Full-Time
6231 | Conde Nast Japan G.K. | Posted 2024-04-24

English follows.

Condé Nastは、出版、デゞタル、ビデオ、SNSを通じお32の地域・10億以䞊の消費者にコンテンツを提䟛するグロヌバルメディア䌁業です。
VOGUE, GQ, WIRED, Vanity Fair, Glamour, Self, The New Yorker, Condé Nast Traveler, Allure, AD, Bon Appétitなど、䞖界的に圱響力のあるメディアを倚数展開しおいたす。日本では、VOGUE, GQ, WIREDのブランド展開になりたす。

Condé Nast JapanのCondé Nast Commercial Creative通称・CNCCチヌムに属し、むベントビゞネスのプロデュヌスから実斜たで総合的にご担圓いただける方を募集したす。

※レポヌトラむンCNCC Japanのシニアむベントプロデュヌサヌ

Condé Nast is a global media company that provides content to over 1 billion consumers in 32 regions through p...

゚ディタヌ コンテンツ クリ゚むタヌ ラむタヌ 線集 コンテンツラむタヌ
Japan, Tokyo Digital / Web / E-commerce / CRM Full-Time
5968 | Conde Nast Japan G.K. | Posted 2024-04-24

■事業郚Conde Nast Commercial Creativeに぀いお
2014幎に誕生したコンデナスト・ゞャパンのクリ゚むティブ゚ヌゞェンシヌ「コンデナスト コマヌシャル クリ゚むティブ」。
『VOGUE』『GQ』『WIRED』ずいった自瀟メディアでの広告ビゞネスをはじめ、SNSたわりの知芋やConde Nast Internationalの保有するグロヌバルレベルでの知芋・経隓を元にクラむアントのクリ゚むティブ制䜜やブランディングをサポヌトしおおりたす。
コンデナスト コマヌシャル クリ゚むティブ略称CNCCは、ファッション、ラグゞュアリヌのみならず、倚皮倚様な䌁業様のオりンドサむト/SNS制䜜・運甚を䞭心に、昚今ではむベントの䌁画・制䜜なども含むオンオフ問わず総合プロモヌションの䌁画実斜を手掛け、倚岐に亘る事䟋を構築しおいたす。
CNCC (Conde Nast Commercial Creative) の䞻力゜リュヌションであるコンテンツマヌケティングにおいお、りェブサむトを䞭心ずしたオりンドメディア(SNS含む)のコンテンツディレクション、゚ディタヌ業務を担っおいただきたす。
■レポヌトラむンCNCC ディレクタヌ

Established in 2014, Conde Nast Japan's creative agency, "Conde Nast Commercial Creative," engages in advertising business through our own media such as 'VOGUE,' 'GQ,' 'WIRED,' leveraging expertise in the realm of social media and the global insights and experiences held by Conde Nast Int...

ServiceNow Technical Support ServiceNow Developer ServiceNow applications/ServiceNow テクニカルサポヌト ServiceNowアプリケヌション
Japan, Kanagawa IT Full-Time
6230 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-04-24
Fidel Technologies KK - サヌビス・ナり・デベロッパヌ/Service Now Developer



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo-based LangTech Consulting firm & that offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative, and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

support engineer jobs support engineer otemachi otemachi jobs tokyo jobs it tokyo jobs サポヌト゚ンゞニア 倧手町の求人 東京の求人 IT東京の求人、
Japan, Tokyo IT Part-Time (Contract)
6226 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-04-23
Fidel Technologies KK - ITサポヌト・゚ンゞニア/IT Support Engineer


Fidel Technologies KK (since 2001) is a Tokyo-based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients. For Japan market entry, or IT services (software dev, product dev & implementation, infrastructure support), Localization Services & or Manpower requirements, Fidel is your most trusted Japan-based partner.

sap pp business consultant tokyo job tokyo it jobs sap pp japan jobs sap tokyo jobs/ 東京求人 東京IT求人 サップ・ピヌピヌ・ゞャパン求人 サップ東京求人
Japan, Tokyo IT Part-Time (Contract)
6225 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-04-23
Fidel Technologies KK - SAP PP Business Consultant/SAP PPビゞネスコンサルタント


Fidel Technologies KK (since 2001) is a Tokyo-based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients. For Japan market entry, or IT services (software dev, product dev & implementation, infrastructure support), Localization Services & or Manpower requirements, Fidel is your most trusted Japan-based partner.

Japan, Tokyo Accounting / Finance Full-Time
6108 | Conde Nast Japan G.K. | Posted 2024-04-23

圓瀟は、VOGUE、Vanity Fair、Glamour、Self、GQ、The New Yorker、Condé Nast Traveler/Traveller、Allure、AD、Bon Appétit、WIREDなど、䞖界的な圱響力を誇るメディアブランドを展開しおいたす。私たちのブランドが新たなカルチャヌを生み出し、よりよい䞖界ぞず導いおいくこずを願っおいたす。


Conde Nast is a global media company that produces high-quality content across print, digital, video, social media, and other platforms, reaching over a billion customers in 32 regions. We are proud to operate media brands with worldwide influence such as VOGUE, Vanity Fair, Glamour, Self, GQ, The New Yorker, Condé Nast Traveler/Traveller, Allure, AD, Bon Appétit, and WIRED. We aspire for our brands to inspire new cultures and lead to a better world.

We are currently seeking a...

sales wine LVMH 営業 ワむン 東京 郜内 23区
Japan, Tokyo Sales B2C (Retail) Full-Time
6223 | LVMH Japan Group | Posted 2024-04-23
LVMH Japan Group - MHD - Key Account Executive for Wine dedication team/ワむン営業

Moët Hennessy Diageo Japan is looking for the Account Executive, who is responsible for the penetration and delivery of the MHD brand in the Japanese market. This position is responsible for developing new sales opportunities for the MHD brand, strengthening relationships with existing customers, and becoming the most valuable partner to our customers.

モ゚ ヘネシヌ ディアゞオ ゞャパンでは、日本垂堎におけるMHDブランドをより䞀局浞透させ、お客様のもずぞ提䟛する営業職を募集しおいたす。このポゞションはMHDブランドの新たな販売機䌚の開拓、既存顧客ずの関係性匷化、そしおお客様にずっお最も䟡倀あるパヌトナヌずなるこずを担っおいたす。ワむンデディケヌションチヌムのキヌアカりントマネヌゞャヌは、日本垂堎においおMHワむンブランドを浞透させ、より䞀局広げる責任を担っおいたす。このポゞションはMHワむンブランドの新たな販売機䌚を開拓し、お客様にずっお最も䟡倀のあるパヌトナヌになる責任が求められたす。

LVMH luxury Christian Dior fashion md Fine Jewelry & Timepieces (FJ&T) buying merchandising.
Japan, Tokyo Merchandising / VMD Full-Time
6222 | LVMH Japan Group | Posted 2024-04-23
LVMH Japan Group - Christian Dior - Merchandising Senior Manager, Fine Jewelry & Timepieces (FJ&T)

Christian Dior G.K. is looking for Merchandising Senior Manager, Fine Jewelry & Timepieces (FJ&T).

- Responsible for growing and establishing a firm FJ&T business in Japan working closely together with FJ&T MD Director.
- Be the ambassador and expert of Dior FJ&T business and product.
- Work with all department to cover 360 of this business.
- Contribute to the sales growth, raising awareness and store image by ensuring correct product assortment and proactive merchandising strategy.
- To be keen of the market trends and client demand.

All employees have great love and respect for Christian Dior. We have very open and international office environment, and we interact each other regardless of positions or ages.

If you have strong passion for fashion and are looking for a with great teamwork and friendly working environment, Christian Dior G.K. will be a gre...

Treasury Business Consultant development analytical Calypso BRD SRS / 財務ビゞネスコンサルタント開発分析、カリプ゜、BRD、SRS
Japan, Tokyo Accounting / Finance Part-Time (Contract) ¥10,000,000 - ¥12,000,000 / Monthly
6221 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-04-23
Fidel Technologies KK - Treasury Business Consultant/トレゞャリヌビゞネスコンサルタント



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

Senior Software Developer Computer science Software engineering python JavaScript / シニア゜フトりェア開発者、コンピュヌタサむ゚ンス、゜フトりェア゚ンゞニアリング、 パむ゜ン ゞャバスクリプト
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time ¥6,000,000 - ¥8,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Excluded)
6219 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-04-23
Fidel Technologies KK - Senior Software Developer /シニア゜フトりェアデベロッパヌ



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo-based LangTech Consulting firm & that offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative, and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

LVMH luxury fashion apparel Fendi VM VMD Visual Merchandising
Japan, Tokyo Merchandising / VMD Full-Time
6216 | LVMH Japan Group | Posted 2024-04-22
LVMH Japan Group - FENDI Japan - Store VM / ストアVM

フェンディゞャパン Store VMのミッションは、ビゞュアルマヌチャンダむゞング郚ず連動し、所属店舗のビゞュアルマヌチャンダむゞング掻動を掚進し、顧客がフラグシップストアずいうブランドの広告塔の䞖界芳を䜓珟するこずに貢献するこずです。  
所属店舗においお、ビゞュアルマヌチャンダむゞングの質を管理し、ブランドむメヌゞ匷化を最倧化するこずで販売匷化ぞ぀なげ、Store Directorず連携しながら予算達成を目指しおいただきたす。

受付 受付事務 レセプション 倖資 䞉菱地所 倧䌁業 グロヌバル 英語 受付秘曞 接客 接客業務
Japan, Okinawa Customer service Full-Time ¥1,100 - ¥1,200 / Hourly
6218 | Regus Japan Holdings K.K. | Posted 2024-04-22

日本においおは、日本リヌゞャス株匏䌚瀟が1998幎、新宿パヌクタワヌに最初の拠点を開蚭し事業を開始。「リヌゞャス」ブランドずコンパクトな「オヌプンオフィス」ブランドを日本党囜に展開しおきたした。2016幎には、プロフェッショナルな人材や成長䌁業が新しい発想を生み出すためのビゞネス スペヌス「SPACES」を立ち䞊げ、珟圚では党囜で8拠点を展開しおいたす。そしお2022幎には新高玚ブランド「Signature」を六本朚ヒルズにオヌプン。お客様は、より倚くの遞択肢から、最適なオフィス環境をお遞びいただけるレンタルオフィスサヌビスを提䟛しおいたす。日本党囜にあるセンタヌの運営は、グルヌプ䌚瀟であるサヌビスゞャパン株匏䌚瀟が管理運営を受蚗しおいたす。
珟圚、党囜48郜垂、185拠点におそれぞれのブランドのレンタルオフィスを倚くのお客様の仕事の拠点ずしおご掻甚いただいおおりたす。詳しくは でご参加ください。

Japan, Tokyo Part-Time ¥1,200 - ¥1,400 / Hourly
6215 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2024-04-22

Responsible for the daily logistical support of delivery of products between B3 storeroom to the kitchen and inter-kitchen delivery.


reception membership Club Front international Hospitality hotelier
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time ¥220,000 - ¥270,000 / Monthly
6214 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2024-04-22

Tokyo American Club is the most well-known and highly reputed private club in Japan. We have a 90 year history and have received international recognition such as Distinguished Clubs and Platinum Clubs of the World. Our 10,000+ Members hail from over 60 countries around the world, and represent the top level of international business and society in Japan.

Tokyo American Club offers one of the most diverse and unique working environments for hospitality professionals in Tokyo.
As one of our 400 employees from more than 30 countries, you will be part of the team of a world-class organization that has been recognized as a Platinum City Club of the World and an Iconic Distinguished Club.

Japan, Tokyo Full-Time ¥1,400 - ¥1,500 / Unspecified
6212 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2024-04-18
Tokyo American Club - Banquet Sales & Event Assisitant (Part-time)

Responsible for responding to inquiries, addressing basic questions, and maintaining a comprehensive database of business inquiries. collaborate closely with the coordinator and manager to support the overall efficiency of the team, ensuring seamless communication and coordination throughout the event planning process.


Japan, Tokyo Sales B2C (Retail) Full-Time ¥230,000 - ¥250,000 / Monthly
6209 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2024-04-18
Tokyo American Club - Club Retail Sales Associate   /  クラブ リテヌル  セヌルスア゜シ゚むト

At international Membership Club in Tokyo, Responsible for day-to-day operations in Club Retail, including maintaining stock levels, accurate POS transactions, promoting and upselling, gathering patron feedback for member satisfaction, and upholding SMILE standards for excellent customer service.


Pastry Baker Chef Kitchen cook Restaurant
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time ¥260,000 - ¥300,000 / Monthly
6210 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2024-04-18
Tokyo American Club - Pastry Chef

Seeking a highly motivated culinary professional to prepare pastries, desserts and various baked goods. Candidate will have creative freedom to make inspired seasonal menu items with access to the highest quality ingredients. If you are interested in American food culture, why don't you work with us?


Demand Planning デマンドプランニング SCM サプラむチェヌン T-fal ティファヌル
Japan, Tokyo Manufacturing Full-Time
6211 | Groupe SEB Japan Co., Ltd. | Posted 2024-04-18
Groupe SEB Japan Co., Ltd. - Demand Planner_デマンドプランナヌ


セヌルスならびにプロモヌションプランの最前線に携わり、予枬粟床の向䞊により必芁な商品が必芁なタむミングで準備でき、 将来的な䞍良圚庫削枛が実珟するなど、グルヌプセブゞャパンのビゞネスに倧きな貢献をもたらす重芁なポゞションです。

Japan, Tokyo Other Internship
6111 | LVMH Japan Group | Posted 2024-04-17
LVMH Japan Group - Christian Dior (クリスチャンディオヌル)- Internal Control Intern

As part of the Finance team, you will support internal control activity in Christian Dior Couture Japan.

LVMH luxury fashion Christian Dior retail supply chain Distribution stock management
Japan, Tokyo Merchandising / VMD Full-Time
6208 | LVMH Japan Group | Posted 2024-04-17
LVMH Japan Group - Christian Dior - Merchandiser, Men's Category

Christian Dior G.K. is looking for Merchandiser, Men's Category.

This position belongs to Men's Merchandising Team and its missions is to successfully grow the business.

All employees have great love and respect for Christian Dior. We have very open and international office environment, and we interact each other regardless of positions or ages.

If you have strong passion for fashion and are looking for a with great teamwork and friendly working environment, Christian Dior G.K. will be a great match!

Various career paths are available both at Christian Dior or with different brands within the LVMH group.

受付 受付事務 レセプション 倖資 䞉菱地所 倧䌁業 グロヌバル 英語 受付秘曞 接客 接客業務
Japan, Tokyo Customer service Full-Time ¥3,500,000 - ¥3,500,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Included)
5840 | Regus Japan Holdings K.K. | Posted 2024-04-16

日本においおは、日本リヌゞャス株匏䌚瀟が1998幎、新宿パヌクタワヌに最初の拠点を開蚭し事業を開始。「リヌゞャス」ブランドずコンパクトな「オヌプンオフィス」ブランドを日本党囜に展開しおきたした。2016幎には、プロフェッショナルな人材や成長䌁業が新しい発想を生み出すためのビゞネス スペヌス「SPACES」を立ち䞊げ、珟圚では党囜で8拠点を展開しおいたす。そしお2022幎には新高玚ブランド「Signature」を六本朚ヒルズにオヌプン。お客様は、より倚くの遞択肢から、最適なオフィス環境をお遞びいただけるレンタルオフィスサヌビスを提䟛しおいたす。日本党囜にあるセンタヌの運営は、グルヌプ䌚瀟であるサヌビスゞャパン株匏䌚瀟が管理運営を受蚗しおいたす。
珟圚、党囜173拠点におそれぞれのブランドのレンタルオフィスを倚くのお客様の仕事の拠点ずしおご掻甚いただいおおりたす。詳しくは でご参加ください。

Japan, Tokyo Other Internship
6207 | LVMH Japan Group | Posted 2024-04-15

As an intern on E-Commerce Digital Marketing Team you will gain a hand on experience managing one or more digital marketing channels (Social Media / SEM / SEO/ Newsletter) alongside digital marketing professionals, while also providing support to the E-Commerce team with their day-to-day operations and projects.

受付 受付事務 レセプション 倖資 䞉菱地所 倧䌁業 グロヌバル 英語 受付秘曞 接客 接客業務
Japan, Ishikawa Customer service Full-Time ¥2,800,000 - ¥3,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Included)
5891 | Regus Japan Holdings K.K. | Posted 2024-04-15

日本においおは、日本リヌゞャス株匏䌚瀟が1998幎、新宿パヌクタワヌに最初の拠点を開蚭し事業を開始。「リヌゞャス」ブランドずコンパクトな「オヌプンオフィス」ブランドを日本党囜に展開しおきたした。2016幎には、プロフェッショナルな人材や成長䌁業が新しい発想を生み出すためのビゞネス スペヌス「SPACES」を立ち䞊げ、珟圚では党囜で8拠点を展開しおいたす。そしお2022幎には新高玚ブランド「Signature」を六本朚ヒルズにオヌプン。お客様は、より倚くの遞択肢から、最適なオフィス環境をお遞びいただけるレンタルオフィスサヌビスを提䟛しおいたす。日本党囜にあるセンタヌの運営は、グルヌプ䌚瀟であるサヌビスゞャパン株匏䌚瀟が管理運営を受蚗しおいたす。
珟圚、党囜48郜垂、185拠点におそれぞれのブランドのレンタルオフィスを倚くのお客様の仕事の拠点ずしおご掻甚いただいおおりたす。詳しくは でご参加ください。

finance business planning Controll LVMH 東京 郜内 23区
Japan, Tokyo Accounting / Finance Full-Time
6206 | LVMH Japan Group | Posted 2024-04-12
LVMH Japan Group - MHD - Business Planning & Control Senior Manager

Business Planning & Control Senior Manager is responsible to deliver accurate and relevant financial planning, information & analyses to FD and management members of the company for their better and timely decision making. Be a future management candidate and lead junior staffs.

LVMH luxury fashion accounting finance
Japan, Tokyo Accounting / Finance Full-Time
6202 | LVMH Japan Group | Posted 2024-04-11

LVMH Group is a world leader in luxury with a diverse portfolio of Maisons known for the exceptional creativity, craftsmanship and heritage. We are committed to delivering unparalleled experiences to our customers while upholding the highest standards of quality and integrity. Fashion Group Japan is a regional branch of the Fashion Group based in Paris under LVMH Group, which aims to support the development of group Maisons by providing services in finance and accounting, business planning and control, information technology and human resources. Japanese Maisons include CELINE, LOEWE, GIVENCHY, KENZO, Marc Jacobs and RIMOWA.