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486 results

developer AWS MySQL SQL Oracle web technologies JavaScript Java Angular JS Spring Boot TypeScript 開発者 Web技術 IT 東京 ゚ンゞニア
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time (Contract) ¥4,000,000 - ¥5,000,000 / Unspecified
14061 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-10-17
Fidel Technologies KK - フルスタックデベロッパヌ 東京 / Full Stack Developer Tokyo



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

developer AWS MySQL SQL Oracle web technologies JavaScript Java Angular JS Spring Boot TypeScript IT 東京 ゜フトりェア開発 オラクル りェブ技術 スプリングブヌト タむプスクリプト ゚ンゞニア
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time (Contract) ¥5,000,000 - ¥7,000,000 / Unspecified
14029 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-10-17
Fidel Technologies KK - シニア フルスタック開発者 東京 /  Sr. Full Stack Developer Tokyo



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

Lead Functional SAP Finance and Accounting Project Manager SAP template IT infrastructure ゜フトりェア ゚ンゞニア 東京 IT SAP財務・䌚蚈 プロゞェクトマネヌゞャヌ
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time (Contract) ¥12,000,000 - ¥0 / Unspecified
14028 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-10-17
Fidel Technologies KK - ハヌドりェア開発・補品蚭蚈゚ンゞニア 東京 / Hardware Smart Manufacturing Engineer Tokyo



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

SAP Finance and Accounting Project Manager SAP template IT infrastructure プロゞェクトマネゞャヌ ITむンフラ 東京 䌚蚈 財務
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time (Contract) ¥12,000,000 - ¥0 / Unspecified
14000 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-10-17
Fidel Technologies KK - SAP Retail プロゞェクトマネヌゞャヌ  /  SAP Retail Project Manager Tokyo



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

Lead Functional SAP global SAP FICO mapping support SAP Finance and Accounting リヌド・ファンクショナル SAPグロヌバル SAP財務・䌚蚈 IT 東京
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time (Contract) ¥10,000,000 - ¥0 / Unspecified
13999 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-10-17
Fidel Technologies KK - SAP Retail 財務・䌚蚈゚キスパヌト 東京郜 / SAP Retail Finance and Accounting Expert Tokyo



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time (Contract) ¥10,000,000 - ¥12,000,000 / Unspecified
13998 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-10-17
Fidel Technologies KK - SAP リテヌル サプラむ チェヌンおよびロゞスティック ゚キスパヌト 東京  / SAP Retail Supply Chain & Logistic Expert Tokyo



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

Lead Functional SAP Retail SAP global SAP FMS SAP afs SAP リテヌル SAP グロヌバル 東京 IT ゚キスパヌト
Japan, Tokyo Full-Time (Contract)
13997 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-10-17
Fidel Technologies KK - SAP Retail むンストア(店内)プロセス゚キスパヌト 東京 求人 /  SAP Retail In Store Processes Expert Tokyo Job



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

network Cisco LAN CCNP customer service Cisco network Cisco LAN Catalyst Nexus ネットワヌク シスコ カスタマヌサヌビス シスコネットワヌク シスコLAN ネクサス IT 東京
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time (Contract) ¥8,000,000 - ¥0 / Unspecified
13996 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-10-17
Fidel Technologies KK - シニアネットワヌク゚ンゞニア / Sr. Network Engineer Tokyo Job



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

圚宅 リモヌト テレワヌク 即日 未経隓 飯田橋 事務 ネむル 髪色 髪型 バむト 自由 高時絊 日払い コヌルセンタヌ アルバむト
Japan, Tokyo Administration / Office Support Part-Time ¥1,320 - ¥1,320 / Hourly
14063 | Starmе lnc. | Posted 2024-10-17


Veeva RIM Pharma analysis Design SFDC Project Management 補薬 分析 デザむン プロゞェクト管理
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time (Contract) ¥10,000,000 - ¥13,000,000 / Unspecified
13995 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-10-17
Fidel Technologies KK - Veeva RIM Project Manager Tokyo Job /  Veeva RIM プロゞェクトマネヌゞャヌ 東京 求人



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

人事ディレクタヌ HR Director 人事郚長 HRBP 採甚 Recruitment Recruiting
Japan, Tokyo HR & Recruitment Full-Time
13831 | Catalina Marketing Japan K.K. | Posted 2024-10-16



• カタリナは新たな成長期に差し掛かっおおり、これたで培っおきたスキルず経隓を甚いお倧きな貢献をするこずができる。
• たた、その成長の過皋の䞭で新たなスキルず経隓を身に着けるこずが期埅できる。
• 様々なバックグラりンドを持぀人々が働いおいるため、倚様性ず包摂性が高い環境で、幅広い芖点からの孊びを埗るこずがで

■郚内構成/OUR TEAM
• 人材開発チヌム 2 名
 ・採甚チヌム 2 名 (RPO)
• 劎務管理チヌム 3 名
 ➢ HR Lead
 ・HR Generalist
 ・HR Coordinator

貎方のご経隓をカタリナマヌケティングゞャパンCatalina Marketing Japanでぜひ掻かしおください

東京 デヌタ デヌタ分析 デヌタアナリスト デヌタサむ゚ンティスト 商品 匕受 プラむシング 料率 圚宅勀務 圚宅 リモヌト 英語
Japan, Tokyo Full-Time
13797 | AXA GENERAL INSURANCE Co. Ltd | Posted 2024-10-15


正瀟員 滋賀県 野掲垂 ファシリティマネゞメント 斜蚭管理 工堎 èš­å‚™ マネヌゞャヌ 監督職
Japan, Shiga Engineering Full-Time ¥280,000 - ¥320,000 / Monthly
13731 | GLOBESHIP SODEXO Corporate Services K.K. | Posted 2024-10-15


ビルメンテナンスの囜内パむオニアであるグロヌブシップ㈱ず、䞖界の総合斜蚭管理倧手の仏゜デク゜ (Sodexo S.A.) ずの合匁䌚瀟が、

総合斜蚭管理IFM: Integrated Facility Management 事業を展開


Japan, Tokyo Sales B2C (Retail) Full-Time
6362 | LVMH Japan Group | Posted 2024-10-11

Ensures the implementation of the Retail Excellence Trainings with main focus on Customer Service and Store Management, liaising with the local Retail Team and with following the HQ Retail Excellence Department.

Is responsible that all the necessary in-store coaching activities are correctly implemented and performed in all the Stores under responsibility

Japan, Tokyo Sales B2C (Retail) Full-Time
6315 | LVMH Japan Group | Posted 2024-10-11


ストアマネヌゞャヌずストアチヌムを積極的にサポヌトするため、担圓する店舗に定期的に蚪問し、癟貚店や ショッピングモヌルず連携したす。

Line Digital Marketing contents Amazon Instagram Meta Google Ads Influencer Writing copywriting ラむティング ゜ヌシャル むンフル゚ンサヌ ブランド ブランディング branding online オンラむン
Japan, Tokyo Digital / Web / E-commerce / CRM Full-Time (Contract)
13698 | Next Level Japan K.K. | Posted 2024-10-11
Next Level Japan K.K. - 【SNS & デゞタルセヌルスアカりントマネヌゞャヌ】倖資系ブランドの認知床向䞊(Instagram / YouTube / Line / X)



- クラむアントの゜ヌシャルメディアInstagram/LINE/Xなどのコンテンツを蚈画、制䜜テキスト、蚭定
- Instagram、YouTube、X、LINE、TikTokでむンフル゚ンサヌマヌケティングを実斜
- クラむアントの補品ペヌゞ、ブランドペヌゞ、マヌケットプレむスペヌゞなどのコンテンツ制䜜

Design Jobs Japan designer UX/UI Web mobile product design iOS Android web3 Tech Jobs mobile technologies
Japan, Tokyo Design / Creative Work Full-Time ¥6,000,000 - ¥9,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Excluded)
13632 | nanameue, Inc. | Posted 2024-10-11
nanameue, Inc. - Product Designer (Web, Mobile, Application Design)

At nanameue, Inc., our focus is to connect people through social media. nanameue, Inc. started in May 2013 with roots in Japan and Thailand. We have built one of Japan’s top chat applications with 9M+ registered users and 75,000+ communities and growing.

nanameue, Inc. is built with people from a variety of different cultures from Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Brazil, and Australia to name a few. To maintain the global culture, our company language is English and we continue to welcome new members worldwide.
Our goal is to build a virtual space where everyone can have their presence as themselves and welcome everyone as they are.

As we continue to grow, we are looking for a Product Designer who can support our SNS application Yay!. Designers at nanameue, Inc. ​​do more than simply create a UI. The job of the designers at nanameue, Inc. ​​is to create products from the perspecti...

Digital Marketing Jobs Japan Marketing branding Analytics marketing strategy Monetization Community Building
Japan, Tokyo Marketing / PR / Advertising Full-Time
13633 | nanameue, Inc. | Posted 2024-10-11
nanameue, Inc. - Digital Marketing Specialist (Web Advertising, App. Monetization, Community Building)

Yay!, the virtual world of interconnected interests, began in January 2020. With 9M+ registered users as of November 1, 2023, Yay! currently serves as a new virtual world for users to find their interests, get connected, and have fun making group calls and more. Within the Circle feature, anyone can create a community group based on common interests, whether it's games, anime, music, or other hobbies. The current total number of group communities has grown to approximately 90,000. In August 2022, Yay! announced a contractual partnership with bitFlyer for the implementation of Initial Exchange Offering (IEO), and subsequently, released the YAY White Paper outlining the scope of web3 initiatives in November 2023. In the future, building a token economy on Yay!, nanameue aims to realize the virtual world of the web3 era in Yay!.

The digital marketing member will be responsible for ...

Line Digital Marketing contents Amazon Instagram Meta Google Ads Influencer Writing copywriting ラむティング ゜ヌシャル むンフル゚ンサヌ ブランド ブランディング branding online オンラむン
Japan, Tokyo Digital / Web / E-commerce / CRM Full-Time (Contract)
6305 | Next Level Japan K.K. | Posted 2024-10-11
Next Level Japan K.K. - Social Marketing Account Manager / Strategist

Next Level supports global expansion, awareness and activation of sustainable and innovative businesses, with high level marketing expertise and performance.
Also, though our actions, we aim to contribute climate change mitigation, and the emergence of sustainable, value-generating solutions and ecosystems.

Recently, our Social & Contents business has been showing rapid growth and we happy to expand our team to fulfill Client demand.

 Please note: this position is open to Native Japanese speakers only. 

This position is a digital-savvy Digital professional, who can:
- plan, produce (text) and set contents for your portfolio of Clients on their channels (Instagram, LINE, X, etc.),
- run social influencing marketing activities on Instagram, YouTube, X, Line and/or TikTok for your portfolio of Clients. Your first Clients will include several luxury brands (jewelry, opti...

blockchain web3 web2 mobile technologies SNS Agile / SCRUM agile UI/UX UI UX Design Gaming Gamification
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time ¥7,000,000 - ¥12,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Excluded)
13599 | nanameue, Inc. | Posted 2024-10-10
nanameue, Inc. - Product Owner (Product Development Leader - Scrum Master)

At nanameue, Inc., our focus is to connect people through social media. nanameue, Inc. started in May 2013 with roots in Japan and Thailand. We have built one of Japan’s top chat applications with 9M+ registered users and 75,000+ communities and growing.

nanameue, Inc. is built with people from a variety of different cultures from Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Brazil, and Australia to name a few. To maintain the global culture, our company language is English and we continue to welcome new members worldwide. Our goal is to build a virtual space where everyone can have their presence as themselves and welcome everyone as they are.

This Product Owner will have a chance to focus on the blockchain and web3 segment as well as the web2 segment of our product and help create and deliver best-in-class business systems and operational processes. This individual will be dedicated to the Agil...

Data Scientist Data analyst Tech Jobs IT Jobs Nanameue StartUp Data Science Engineering AI machine learning SQL MongoDB Computer science
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time ¥5,000,000 - ¥8,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Excluded)
13566 | nanameue, Inc. | Posted 2024-10-10
nanameue, Inc. - Data Scientist (Content Recommendation Modeling)

At nanameue, Inc., our focus is to connect people through social media. nanameue, Inc. started in May 2013 with roots in Japan and Thailand. We have built one of Japan’s top chat applications with 9M+ registered users and 75,000+ communities and growing.

nanameue, Inc. is built with people from a variety of different cultures from Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Australia to name a few. To maintain the global culture, our company language is English, and we continue to welcome new members worldwide.
Our goal is to build a virtual space where everyone can have their presence as themselves and welcome everyone as they are.

As a Data Scientist, you will work with highly complex structured and unstructured datasets. Yes, we are talking terabytes. You will build Statistical, Machine
Learning, and/or Deep Learning models to create solutions, improve operation, understand &...

Tech Jobs in Japan Engineering engineer IT Jobs agile Web Development Software Development. Mobile App Development Software Engineer Frontend backend DevOps Ruby on Rails AWS Cybersecurity Team Leadership
Japan, Tokyo Engineering Full-Time ¥9,000,000 - ¥12,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Excluded)
13567 | nanameue, Inc. | Posted 2024-10-10
nanameue, Inc. - Engineering Manager (Web / Mobile Technologies)

At nanameue, Inc our focus is to connect people through social media. nanameue, Inc. started in May of 2013 with roots in Japan and Thailand. With growing teams, nanameue, Inc. has built one of Japan’s top chat applications with over 9 Million users and over 90,000 communities.

Having a global mindset, nanameue, Inc. is built with people from a variety of different cultures from Japan, China, Indonesia, and US to name a few. To maintain the global culture, our company language is English and we continue to welcome new members from all over the world.

As the Engineering Manager, you will play a crucial role in driving innovation, overseeing project timelines, and ensuring the successful delivery of engineering projects that shape the future of technology. You will be the point of lead for the Engineering Team and work directly with the management in bringing the product vision ...

カタリナ マヌケティング ゞャパン Catalina Marketing Japan 東京 data ゜リュヌション オペレヌションスペシャリスト Operation Specialist 営業事務 アシスタント
Japan, Tokyo Administration / Office Support Full-Time
13500 | Catalina Marketing Japan K.K. | Posted 2024-10-10




■郚内構成/OUR TEAM

貎方のご経隓をカタリナマヌケティングゞャパンCatalina Marketing Japanでぜひ掻かしおください

Accounting Job Tax finance IPO Legal Budget Control
Japan, Tokyo Accounting / Finance Full-Time ¥8,000,000 - ¥11,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Excluded)
13533 | nanameue, Inc. | Posted 2024-10-10
nanameue, Inc. - Accounting Manager (Finance IPO Preparation)

We have raised 1.6 Billion Yen in Series B funding to develop our social media service in 2022. Due to further business expansion and IPO preparation, we are looking for a new member for the Accounting Manager position. 
You will help build out our accounting system and create the flows of operations. You will also work with the CFO for IPO preparations (pre/post-IPO experience not needed).

At nanameue, Inc., our focus is to connect people through social media. nanameue, Inc started in May of 2013 with roots in Japan and Thailand. With growing teams, nanameue, Inc. has built one of Japan’s top chat applications with over 9 Million+ registered users. We are venturing into Web3xSNS with a mission to “Building Community with Science”.

Having a global mindset, nanameue, Inc is built with people from a variety of different cultures from Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Brazil, and Austral...

日払い 週払い 英語 長期 週3 平日のみ 土日䌑み 接客 バむト アルバむト ホテル 倜勀
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Part-Time ¥1,700 - ¥2,125 / Hourly
13468 | Starmе lnc. | Posted 2024-10-09
