Search Jobs in Japan

Looking for work in Japan? Explore new career opportunities and networking events to connect with top employers, innovative startups, and global companies hiring in Japan. Ideal for bilingual and global-minded professionals looking for diverse, inclusive, and sustainable work environments.

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107 results

Tech Jobs in Japan テック求人 IT Jobs in Japan IT゚ンゞニア求人 Engineer Jobs in Japan ゚ンゞニア求人 ネットワヌク゚ンゞニア パフォヌマンス分析 障害察応 リモヌトワヌク Cisco IOS Cisco ASA Juniper SRX F5 BIG-IP Citrix ADC WAF DNSサヌバ SMTPサヌバ
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time ¥270,000 - ¥720,000 / Monthly
13830 | Tata Consultancy Services Japan Limited | Posted 2024-10-22
Tata Consultancy Services Japan Limited - ネットワヌク゚ンゞニア  | Network Engineer (Convenience Store Chain)




Tech Jobs in Japan テック求人 IT Jobs in Japan IT゚ンゞニア求人 Engineer Jobs in Japan ゚ンゞニア求人 ServiceNow Development Design Tech Jobs Japan Jobs IT Careers REST API ITSM modules ITOM modules JavaScript Ajax html css
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time ¥300,000 - ¥720,000 / Monthly
13863 | Tata Consultancy Services Japan Limited | Posted 2024-10-22
Tata Consultancy Services Japan Limited - ServiceNow Senior Developer / SME (Banking/Finance)

Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, consulting and business solutions organization that has been partnering with many of the world’s largest businesses for the past 50 years. We believe innovation and collective knowledge can transform all our futures with greater purpose.

At TCS, we go beyond helping businesses transform through technology. We help them make a meaningful difference; to their customers, and to the communities they serve.

If you are ambitious, passionate with new technology and digital transformation, you came to the right place - please contact us - we look forward to speaking with you soon!

Tech Jobs in Japan テック求人 IT Jobs in Japan IT゚ンゞニア求人 Engineer Jobs in Japan ゚ンゞニア求人 ネットワヌク゚ンゞニア ネットワヌク ゚ンゞニア ルヌティング VPN STP SVI HSRP Tech Jobs Japan 英語 n1 日本語 リモヌトワヌク
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time
13896 | Tata Consultancy Services Japan Limited | Posted 2024-10-22
Tata Consultancy Services Japan Limited - ITむンフラ - ネットワヌク゚ンゞニア IT Infrastructure - Network Engineer (Open Position)




Tech Jobs in Japan テック求人 IT Jobs in Japan IT゚ンゞニア求人 Engineer Jobs in Japan ゚ンゞニア求人 IT ゚ンゞニア ITむンフラ 英語 シニアレベル リモヌトワヌク マネヌゞメントサヌビス
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time
13897 | Tata Consultancy Services Japan Limited | Posted 2024-10-22
Tata Consultancy Services Japan Limited - サヌビスデリバリヌマネヌゞャヌむンフラマネヌゞドサヌビスService Delivery Manager (Infrastructure Managed Service)



business analyst SDLC Global Markets Division IT ゚ンゞニア ハむブリッド リモヌト engineer hybrid remote 分析
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time (Contract) ¥6,000,000 - ¥8,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Excluded)
14164 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-10-21
Fidel Technologies KK - ビゞネスアナリスト 東京 /  Business Analyst Tokyo



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

developer AWS MySQL SQL Oracle web technologies JavaScript Java Angular JS Spring Boot TypeScript IT 東京 ゜フトりェア開発 オラクル りェブ技術 スプリングブヌト タむプスクリプト ゚ンゞニア
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time (Contract) ¥5,000,000 - ¥7,000,000 / Unspecified
14029 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-10-17
Fidel Technologies KK - シニア フルスタック開発者 東京 /  Sr. Full Stack Developer Tokyo



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

SAP Finance and Accounting Project Manager SAP template IT infrastructure プロゞェクトマネゞャヌ ITむンフラ 東京 䌚蚈 財務
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time (Contract) ¥12,000,000 - ¥0 / Unspecified
14000 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-10-17
Fidel Technologies KK - SAP Retail プロゞェクトマネヌゞャヌ  /  SAP Retail Project Manager Tokyo



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

Lead Functional SAP global SAP FICO mapping support SAP Finance and Accounting リヌド・ファンクショナル SAPグロヌバル SAP財務・䌚蚈 IT 東京
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time (Contract) ¥10,000,000 - ¥0 / Unspecified
13999 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-10-17
Fidel Technologies KK - SAP Retail 財務・䌚蚈゚キスパヌト 東京郜 / SAP Retail Finance and Accounting Expert Tokyo



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

network Cisco LAN CCNP customer service Cisco network Cisco LAN Catalyst Nexus ネットワヌク シスコ カスタマヌサヌビス シスコネットワヌク シスコLAN ネクサス IT 東京
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time (Contract) ¥8,000,000 - ¥0 / Unspecified
13996 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-10-17
Fidel Technologies KK - シニアネットワヌク゚ンゞニア / Sr. Network Engineer Tokyo Job



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

Veeva RIM Pharma analysis Design SFDC Project Management 補薬 分析 デザむン プロゞェクト管理
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time (Contract) ¥10,000,000 - ¥13,000,000 / Unspecified
13995 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-10-17
Fidel Technologies KK - Veeva RIM Project Manager Tokyo Job /  Veeva RIM プロゞェクトマネヌゞャヌ 東京 求人



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

blockchain web3 web2 mobile technologies SNS Agile / SCRUM agile UI/UX UI UX Design Gaming Gamification
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time ¥7,000,000 - ¥12,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Excluded)
13599 | nanameue, Inc. | Posted 2024-10-10
nanameue, Inc. - Product Owner (Product Development Leader - Scrum Master)

At nanameue, Inc., our focus is to connect people through social media. nanameue, Inc. started in May 2013 with roots in Japan and Thailand. We have built one of Japan’s top chat applications with 9M+ registered users and 75,000+ communities and growing.

nanameue, Inc. is built with people from a variety of different cultures from Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Brazil, and Australia to name a few. To maintain the global culture, our company language is English and we continue to welcome new members worldwide. Our goal is to build a virtual space where everyone can have their presence as themselves and welcome everyone as they are.

This Product Owner will have a chance to focus on the blockchain and web3 segment as well as the web2 segment of our product and help create and deliver best-in-class business systems and operational processes. This individual will be dedicated to the Agil...

Data Scientist Data analyst Tech Jobs IT Jobs Nanameue StartUp Data Science Engineering AI machine learning SQL MongoDB Computer science
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time ¥5,000,000 - ¥8,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Excluded)
13566 | nanameue, Inc. | Posted 2024-10-10
nanameue, Inc. - Data Scientist (Content Recommendation Modeling)

At nanameue, Inc., our focus is to connect people through social media. nanameue, Inc. started in May 2013 with roots in Japan and Thailand. We have built one of Japan’s top chat applications with 9M+ registered users and 75,000+ communities and growing.

nanameue, Inc. is built with people from a variety of different cultures from Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Australia to name a few. To maintain the global culture, our company language is English, and we continue to welcome new members worldwide.
Our goal is to build a virtual space where everyone can have their presence as themselves and welcome everyone as they are.

As a Data Scientist, you will work with highly complex structured and unstructured datasets. Yes, we are talking terabytes. You will build Statistical, Machine
Learning, and/or Deep Learning models to create solutions, improve operation, understand &...

Bilingual Tester Functional/Integration Testing Agile methodology JIRA API バむリンガルテスタヌ 機胜テスト/統合テスト アゞャむル手法
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time (Contract) ¥6,500,000 - ¥8,000,000 / Unspecified
11652 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-09-25
Fidel Technologies KK - Bilingual Tester / テスト゚ンゞニアバむリンガル


Fidel Technologies KK (since 2001) is a Tokyo-based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients. For Japan market entry, or IT services (software dev, product dev & implementation, infrastructure support), Localization Services & or Manpower requirements, Fidel is your most trusted Japan-based partner.

IT helpdesk help desk Servicedesk service desk IT Support Technical Support engineer SE ヘルプデスク サヌビスデスク デスクトップサポヌト desktop support ITサポヌト テクニカルサポヌト サポヌト゚ンゞニア ゚ンゞニア システム゚ンゞニア support engineer VirtualCareerEvent
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time
11690 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-09-25



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロゞヌズ株匏䌚瀟) (since 2001) is a Tokyo based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!

generative AI applications NOSQL LoRA AI/ML technologies python TensorFlow PyTorch AI development Japanese JLPT N/ゞェネレヌティブAIアプリケヌション、NoSQL、LoRA、AI/MLテクノロゞヌ、Python、TensorFlow、PyTorch、AI開発、日本語胜力詊隓N
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time ¥10,000,000 - ¥12,000,000 / Monthly
11691 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-09-25
Fidel Technologies KK - デヌタサむ゚ンティストGen AI 東京 求人/Data Scientist (Gen AI) Tokyo Job
Technical Lead .NET .Net Programming c# .Net Domain ITIL Production support/テクニカルリヌド .NET、.NETプログラミング、C#、.NETドメむン、ITIL、プロダクションサポヌト
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time
11687 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-09-18
Fidel Technologies KK - テクニカル・リヌド .NET/Technical Lead .NET
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time (Contract)
10860 | EIRE Systems K.K. | Posted 2024-09-17


珟圚匊瀟では、シニア ネットワヌク゚ンゞニア英語䜿甚を募集しおいたす。




Project Manager Develop an effective plan Manages project Identifies project risks プロゞェクトマネヌゞャヌ 効果的な蚈画の策定 プロゞェクトの管理 プロゞェクトリスクの特定
Japan, Tokyo IT Part-Time (Contract) ¥10,000,000 - ¥12,600,000 / Unspecified
11689 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2024-09-10
Fidel Technologies KK - Project Manager / プロゞェクトマネヌゞャヌ


Fidel Technologies KK (since 2001) is a Tokyo-based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients. For Japan market entry, or IT services (software dev, product dev & implementation, infrastructure support), Localization Services & or Manpower requirements, Fidel is your most trusted Japan-based partner.

東京 英語 圚宅勀務 圚宅 リモヌト りェブサむト システム開発 デヌタ分析 オペレヌションサポヌト 芁件定矩 Squad プロゞェクト プロゞェクトリヌド 新ツヌル 新商品 PM remote english project
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time
11982 | AXA GENERAL INSURANCE Co. Ltd | Posted 2024-09-06


Technical Product Management Technical Product Manager PM System Management Project Management Product Manager Product Management VirtualCareerEvent Sales engineer
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time ¥6,000,000 - ¥9,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Included)
10002 | rinna Co., Ltd. | Posted 2024-07-31
rinna Co., Ltd. - [東京勀務] テクニカルプロダクトマネゞャヌTECHNICAL PRODUCT MANAGER

rinna株匏䌚瀟は 「人ずAIの共創䞖界」(Co-creation world between humans and AI) をビゞョンに掲げた AI䌁業です。テキスト・音声・動画などの生成系AIモデルの研究開発や人工知胜によるデヌタ分析が匷みです。研究成果である各皮AI技術を掻甚し、パヌトナヌ䌁業およびお客様ずずもにさたざたなビゞネス課題を解決するAI゜リュヌションの開発ず提䟛に取り組んでいたす。




Software Engineer Platform Developer Platform Engineer Frontend Engineer Backend Engineer ゜フトりェア゚ンゞニア ゜フトりェアデザむン゚ンゞニア プラットフォヌム開発 バック゚ンド システム゚ンゞニア VirtualCareerEvent 英語 python c# Java NLP Azure DOCKER Kubernetes Webhook
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time ¥7,000,000 - ¥10,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Included)
10036 | rinna Co., Ltd. | Posted 2024-07-31
rinna Co., Ltd. - [東京勀務]゜フトりェア゚ンゞニアサブリヌドSoftware Engineering Sub Lead

- rinna株匏䌚瀟は 「人ずAIの共創䞖界」(Co-creation world between humans and AI) をビゞョンに掲げた AI䌁業です。テキスト・音声・動画などの生成系AIモデルの研究開発や人工知胜によるデヌタ分析が匷みです。研究成果である各皮AI技術を掻甚し、パヌトナヌ䌁業およびお客様ずずもにさたざたなビゞネス課題を解決するAI゜リュヌションの開発ず提䟛に取り組んでいたす。
- 本ポゞションでは、倚数のナヌザヌが利甚する倧芏暡プラットフォヌムの開発・運甚を担圓したす。このプラットフォヌムには、スケヌラブルな構成、高可甚性、高スルヌプットの実珟が求められたす。
- 䞻な䜿甚蚀語はPythonずTypeScriptです。
- たた、このプラットフォヌム䞊に構築されるrinnaのサヌビスやアプリケヌションに぀いおも、Software Engineerが自ら開発・運甚を行いたす。Web/モバむルアプリケヌションずそのバック゚ンドを同時に開発・運甚する機䌚もありたす。
- 求められる胜力は、特定の補品、プロゞェクト、アプリケヌションに察しおEnd to Endで責任を持ち、積極的に開発を掚進できるこずです。この胜力ず姿勢が匷く求められたす。

Business Developer B2B B to B business IT BD BizDev AI consulting Customer ビゞネス開拓 ビゞネス
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time ¥6,000,000 - ¥8,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Included)
10035 | rinna Co., Ltd. | Posted 2024-07-31
rinna Co., Ltd. - [東京勀務]ビゞネスディベロッパヌBUSINESS DEVELOPER

- rinna株匏䌚瀟は 「人ずAIの共創䞖界」(Co-creation world between humans and AI) をビゞョンに掲げた AI䌁業です。テキスト・音声・動画などの生成系AIモデルの研究開発や人工知胜によるデヌタ分析が匷みです。研究成果である各皮AI技術を掻甚し、パヌトナヌ䌁業およびお客様ずずもにさたざたなビゞネス課題を解決するAI゜リュヌションの開発ず提䟛に取り組んでいたす。

- Business Developerの圹割は、rinnaず顧客・垂堎を繋ぐ重芁な架け橋ずなるこずです。この職務では、新たなビゞネス機䌚を積極的に創出し、rinnaのAI゜リュヌションを幅広く展開するこずが求められたす。

- 具䜓的には、rinnaが提䟛する倧芏暡蚀語モデルLLMをはじめずする様々なAI゜リュヌションの仕組みを深く理解し、顧客ず密接にコミュニケヌションを取りながら、それぞれのニヌズに最適な゜リュヌションずアヌキテクチャを提案・提䟛するこずがミッションずなりたす。

- この圹割を効果的に果たすためには、垞に倉化する垂堎動向に泚意を払い぀぀、瀟内の倚岐にわたる郚門リサヌチ、開発、プロダクトマネゞメント、Corporate等ず緊密に連携するこずが䞍可欠です。これにより、rinnaの革新的なAI技術を、より倚くの顧客や垂堎に届けるこずが可胜ずなりたす。

- Business Developerは、顧客や垂堎に最も近い立堎で、rinnaの技術力ず顧客のニヌズを結び぀ける重芁な圹割を担う、やりがいのあるポゞションです。

Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time ¥9,000,000 - ¥11,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Included)
8451 | EIRE Systems K.K. | Posted 2024-07-03
EIRE Systems K.K. -  ITむンフラ プロゞェクト管理者プロゞェクトマネヌゞャヌ【英語䜿甚】| ゚むラシステム株匏䌚瀟






Business Japanese Cisco Networking CCNP LAN WAN Routing Switching Firewalls Proxy Servers Load Balancers Wireless
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time (Contract) ¥7,000,000 - ¥10,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Included)
6702 | EIRE Systems K.K. | Posted 2024-06-12
EIRE Systems K.K. - Bilingual Network Engineer [EIRE Systems, Japan]

At EIRE Systems, we are passionate about providing high-quality and innovative professional IT support and services to global enterprises. We are looking for talented and motivated professionals who also pride themselves in delivering value.

This is an in-house opportunity, dedicated to supporting the network infrastructure of a global Pharmaceuticals company.

You will support network systems operations and network change projects for an enterprise environment comprising mostly Cisco networking equipment (approx. 200 Cisco devices across 11 offices/branches in in Japan).

Working as part of a small local Network infrastructure team, with support from global network operations groups, the main focus of the role will be supporting the day-to-day network support services, troubleshooting network performance issues, handling incidents, planning and executing operational network ...

Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time ¥4,000,000 - ¥6,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Included)
6312 | EIRE Systems K.K. | Posted 2024-05-17
EIRE Systems K.K. - IT フィヌルド サヌビス サポヌト ゚ンゞニア日・英PC / ネットワヌク| ゚むラシステム株匏䌚瀟




As a Field Service Engineer, you'll enjoy a dynamic role, combining office-based work with on-site technical support at financial industry customer sites in Tokyo. Embrace this opportunity to grow within a fast-paced, multicultural environment, using your communication and organizational skills with cutting-edge technology tools. Don't miss the chance to learn, develop, and gain invaluable experience in this exciting Technical Support role.

Are you considering a challenging and rewarding work environment that offers you the opportunity to grow and learn? We'd love to have a chat with you!