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489 results

カタリナ マヌケティング ゞャパン Catalina Marketing Japan バックオフィス業務改善 業務効率化 自動化 生産性向䞊 䌚蚈 経理 プロゞェクトマネヌゞャヌ PM プロゞェクトリヌド PL
Japan, Tokyo Other Full-Time
6229 | Catalina Marketing Japan K.K. | Posted 2024-05-07



• 事業成長にずもなう業務プロセスの改善や構築に関わるこずができる
• 瀟内暪断した業務遂行が必芁なため、䌚瀟党䜓ぞの貢献ができる
• 事業拡倧にずもなう業務プロセス䞊のリスク䜎枛や効率化を掚進するこずで、カタリナの継続的な事業成長を支える業務基盀を構築するこずができる

■郚内構成/OUR TEAM

貎方のご経隓をカタリナマヌケティングゞャパンCatalina Marketing Japanでぜひ掻かしおください

Tokyo Account Management Marketing Client Management customer service
Japan, Tokyo Marketing / PR / Advertising Full-Time (Contract) ¥350,000 - ¥450,000 / Monthly
6244 | Custom Media K.K. | Posted 2024-05-04
Custom Media K.K. - Account Manager

Custom Media is an award-winning integrated digital marketing agency based in central Tokyo. With over 15 years of experience in the Japanese market, we offer full-service, integrated marketing solutions that unite data with creativity, and we harness local and international expertise to bridge the gap between Japan and the world.

We are seeking an ambitious, results-driven Account Manager to join our dynamic agency. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in managing client relationships and driving success for accounts. This role requires a strategic thinker with strong communication skills who can ensure the satisfaction and growth of our clients while coordinating with internal teams to execute creative solutions. As an Account Manager, you will be building and managing client relationships, understanding their business goals and objectives, providing solutions to a...

Tokyo Project Management PM management creative management Web print Graphic Design
Japan, Tokyo Design / Creative Work Full-Time (Contract) ¥0 - ¥0 / Unspecified
6243 | Custom Media K.K. | Posted 2024-05-04
Custom Media K.K. - Project Manager

Custom Media is an award-winning integrated digital marketing agency based in central Tokyo. With over 15 years of experience in the Japanese market, we offer full-service, integrated marketing solutions that unite data with creativity, and we harness local and international expertise to bridge the gap between Japan and the world.

We are seeking a talented and experienced Project Manager to join our dynamic agency. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in managing creative projects from inception to completion. This role is critical in managing client relationships, coordinating with internal teams, and ensuring timely delivery of high-quality projects. You will need to be highly organized, proactive, and capable of thriving in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.

カタリナ マヌケティング ゞャパン Catalina Marketing Japan 東京 data engineer ゜リュヌション Salesforce Engineer
Japan, Tokyo Engineering Full-Time
6228 | Catalina Marketing Japan K.K. | Posted 2024-04-26



• ビッグデヌタを利甚したマヌケティングビゞネスを觊れる機䌚。
• シニアリヌダヌシップ含め、様々なステヌクホルダヌず盎接コミュニケヌション・プロゞェクト掚進する機䌚。

■郚内構成/OUR TEAM
カタリナのアプリケヌションマネゞメントチヌムは、セヌルス、ファむナンス、マヌケティング、オペレヌションのさたざたなプロセスず機胜をサポヌトするプラットフォヌムずしお マむクロ゜フト瀟゜リュヌションを効果的に掻甚するこずに䞻な責任がありたす。
このチヌムはオペレヌション担圓VPの盎属であり、耇数の瀟内郚門 (セヌルス、ファむナンス、マヌケティング、オペレヌション等)のナヌザヌ゚クスペリ゚ンスの向䞊、業務効率化の掚進に責任を持ち、それらの組織ず緊密に連携したす。

貎方のご経隓をカタリナマヌケティングゞャパンCatalina Marketing Japanでぜひ掻かしおください

䌚蚈 経理 蚘垳 英語 皎務 簿蚘 䌚蚈事務所 サポヌト outsourcing support.administration accounting
Japan, Tokyo Accounting / Finance Full-Time ¥260,000 - ¥300,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Excluded)
4923 | Forvis Mazars in Japan | Posted 2024-04-25
Forvis Mazars in Japan - アシスタント アカりンタント Assistant Accountant 

Forvis Mazarsに぀いお​
Forvis Mazarsは䞖界をリヌドするプロフェッショナル・サヌビス・ネットワヌクです。私たちの40,000人の匷力なチヌムは、䞖界䞭で比類のないクラむアント・゚クスペリ゚ンスを提䟛するこずに党力を尜くしおいたす。私たちは1぀のチヌムずしお掻動し、協力的で統合されたアプロヌチをずるこずで、あらゆる業皮や地域のあらゆる芏暡のクラむアントに、䞀貫したパヌ゜ナラむズされたサヌビスを提䟛しおいたす。​

1992幎に蚭立され、日本では30幎以䞊の経隓を培っおたいりたした。以来、Forvis Mazars in Japanは、日本䌁業、䞖界各囜の倚囜籍䌁業、及び倖囜人投資家のクラむアントに察しお監査、皎務、アりト゜ヌシング、アドバむザリヌサヌビスを提䟛する点で䞻芁な圹割を果たし、今日では、日本におけるトップのプロフェッショナルサヌビス・ファヌムずしお認知されおいたす。珟圚、18名のパヌトナヌのリヌダヌシップのもず、玄20囜籍の250名以䞊のプロフェッショナルを擁しおいたす。​

About Forvis Mazars​
Forvis Mazars is a leading global professional services network. Our 40,000+ strong team is committed to delivering an unmatched client experience across the globe. We operate as one team, taking a collaborative, integrated approach that allows us to deliver consistent and personalised services to clients of all shapes and sizes, across all sectors and geographies. ​
Established in 1992, we have over...

sales wine LVMH 営業 ワむン 東京 郜内 23区
Japan, Tokyo Sales B2C (Retail) Full-Time
6223 | LVMH Japan Group | Posted 2024-04-23
LVMH Japan Group - MHD - Key Account Executive for Wine dedication team/ワむン営業

Moët Hennessy Diageo Japan is looking for the Account Executive, who is responsible for the penetration and delivery of the MHD brand in the Japanese market. This position is responsible for developing new sales opportunities for the MHD brand, strengthening relationships with existing customers, and becoming the most valuable partner to our customers.

モ゚ ヘネシヌ ディアゞオ ゞャパンでは、日本垂堎におけるMHDブランドをより䞀局浞透させ、お客様のもずぞ提䟛する営業職を募集しおいたす。このポゞションはMHDブランドの新たな販売機䌚の開拓、既存顧客ずの関係性匷化、そしおお客様にずっお最も䟡倀あるパヌトナヌずなるこずを担っおいたす。ワむンデディケヌションチヌムのキヌアカりントマネヌゞャヌは、日本垂堎においおMHワむンブランドを浞透させ、より䞀局広げる責任を担っおいたす。このポゞションはMHワむンブランドの新たな販売機䌚を開拓し、お客様にずっお最も䟡倀のあるパヌトナヌになる責任が求められたす。

LVMH luxury Christian Dior fashion md Fine Jewelry & Timepieces (FJ&T) buying merchandising.
Japan, Tokyo Merchandising / VMD Full-Time
6222 | LVMH Japan Group | Posted 2024-04-23
LVMH Japan Group - Christian Dior - Merchandising Senior Manager, Fine Jewelry & Timepieces (FJ&T)

Christian Dior G.K. is looking for Merchandising Senior Manager, Fine Jewelry & Timepieces (FJ&T).

- Responsible for growing and establishing a firm FJ&T business in Japan working closely together with FJ&T MD Director.
- Be the ambassador and expert of Dior FJ&T business and product.
- Work with all department to cover 360 of this business.
- Contribute to the sales growth, raising awareness and store image by ensuring correct product assortment and proactive merchandising strategy.
- To be keen of the market trends and client demand.

All employees have great love and respect for Christian Dior. We have very open and international office environment, and we interact each other regardless of positions or ages.

If you have strong passion for fashion and are looking for a with great teamwork and friendly working environment, Christian Dior G.K. will be a gre...

LVMH luxury fashion apparel Fendi VM VMD Visual Merchandising
Japan, Tokyo Merchandising / VMD Full-Time
6216 | LVMH Japan Group | Posted 2024-04-22
LVMH Japan Group - FENDI Japan - Store VM / ストアVM

フェンディゞャパン Store VMのミッションは、ビゞュアルマヌチャンダむゞング郚ず連動し、所属店舗のビゞュアルマヌチャンダむゞング掻動を掚進し、顧客がフラグシップストアずいうブランドの広告塔の䞖界芳を䜓珟するこずに貢献するこずです。  
所属店舗においお、ビゞュアルマヌチャンダむゞングの質を管理し、ブランドむメヌゞ匷化を最倧化するこずで販売匷化ぞ぀なげ、Store Directorず連携しながら予算達成を目指しおいただきたす。

Pastry Baker Chef Kitchen cook Restaurant
Japan, Tokyo Tourism / Travel / Hospitality Full-Time ¥260,000 - ¥300,000 / Monthly
6210 | Tokyo American Club | Posted 2024-04-18
Tokyo American Club - Pastry Chef

Seeking a highly motivated culinary professional to prepare pastries, desserts and various baked goods. Candidate will have creative freedom to make inspired seasonal menu items with access to the highest quality ingredients. If you are interested in American food culture, why don't you work with us?


Demand Planning デマンドプランニング SCM サプラむチェヌン T-fal ティファヌル
Japan, Tokyo Manufacturing Full-Time
6211 | Groupe SEB Japan Co., Ltd. | Posted 2024-04-18
Groupe SEB Japan Co., Ltd. - Demand Planner_デマンドプランナヌ


セヌルスならびにプロモヌションプランの最前線に携わり、予枬粟床の向䞊により必芁な商品が必芁なタむミングで準備でき、 将来的な䞍良圚庫削枛が実珟するなど、グルヌプセブゞャパンのビゞネスに倧きな貢献をもたらす重芁なポゞションです。

LVMH luxury fashion Christian Dior retail supply chain Distribution stock management
Japan, Tokyo Merchandising / VMD Full-Time
6208 | LVMH Japan Group | Posted 2024-04-17
LVMH Japan Group - Christian Dior - Merchandiser, Men's Category

Christian Dior G.K. is looking for Merchandiser, Men's Category.

This position belongs to Men's Merchandising Team and its missions is to successfully grow the business.

All employees have great love and respect for Christian Dior. We have very open and international office environment, and we interact each other regardless of positions or ages.

If you have strong passion for fashion and are looking for a with great teamwork and friendly working environment, Christian Dior G.K. will be a great match!

Various career paths are available both at Christian Dior or with different brands within the LVMH group.

VirtualCareerEvent bloomberg jobsinjapan newgraduates program entry level finance fintech bilingual customersupport ブルヌムバヌグ
Japan, Tokyo Media / Art / Entertainment Full-Time
6205 | Bloomberg L.P. | Posted 2024-04-11
Bloomberg L.P. - 2025 Japanese-language Rotation Reporter  - Japan

We are looking for reporters who are passionate about telling stories to join Tokyo’s vibrant newsroom. As a rotator, you will get to work in various teams to develop your skills in reporting, writing and breaking news. You will learn from talented journalists, dig into data and collaborate with colleagues in our bureaus across the world. After spending 12 months developing your journalism skills, you will be assigned to a specific beat team where you will build on your expertise as a financial journalist.
We operate as one newsroom -- a collaborative and diverse environment where print, digital and broadcast come together to produce the most accurate content for our readers. If you are self-driven, energetic and love to learn, then this is the place for you.

VirtualCareerEvent bloomberg jobsinjapan newgraduates program entry level finance fintech bilingual customersupport ブルヌムバヌグ
Japan, Tokyo Finance Banking Full-Time
6204 | Bloomberg L.P. | Posted 2024-04-11

The Analytics and Sales program is a unique opportunity to develop a comprehensive understanding of our Bloomberg products and clients in the wider context of the financial markets. Following our comprehensive training program, you will apply your knowledge by assisting our clients in the Analytics department.
In our Analytics business, you will provide 24/7 support for Bloomberg Professional Service users all over the world and across multiple industries. Reaching us via our Helpdesk using the 'Instant Bloomberg' chat system, clients access unparalleled customer service where we answer their questions and help them maximize the value of Bloomberg's products. On any given day we respond to over 12,000 queries in more than 15 languages. From educating a portfolio manager on Bloomberg’s risk management solutions to helping a trader use our functionality to discover new sources of marke...

VirtualCareerEvent bloomberg jobsinjapan newgraduates program entry level finance fintech bilingual customersupport ブルヌムバヌグ
Japan, Tokyo Customer service Full-Time
6203 | Bloomberg L.P. | Posted 2024-04-11

The Company:
Bloomberg ignites the power of information and technology to bring clarity to a sophisticated world. A global financial information and news leader that provides influential decision makers a critical edge by connecting them to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas. The company delivers data, news and analytics through innovative technology and provides real time financial information to more than 325,000 subscribers globally.

In a career at Bloomberg, you will play a vital role in making it all happen. You will be joining a team of solution-finders, with a real passion for providing superb customer service in a fast-paced environment. Exciting. Surprising. Purposeful. Life at Bloomberg is many things, but it is never dull. We are a truly global business with a truly diverse workforce. We pride ourselves on being open, inclusive and collaborative — and in...

茚城県 䞋劻垂 フォヌクリフト フォヌクリフト䜜業 契玄瀟員 亀通費支絊 ワヌクラむフバランス Iタヌン Uタヌン ファシリティマネゞメント ファシリティ サヌビス 倖資系
Japan, Ibaraki Manufacturing Full-Time (Contract) ¥220,000 - ¥280,000 / Monthly
5380 | GLOBESHIP SODEXO Corporate Services K.K. | Posted 2024-04-11

(Sodexo S.A.) ずの合匁䌚瀟が、グロヌブシップ゜デク゜コヌポレヌトサヌビス株匏䌚瀟です
理IFM: Integrated Facility Management 事業を展開


茚城県 䞋劻垂 総務 フォヌクリフト 契玄瀟員 亀通費支絊 ワヌクラむフバランス Iタヌン Uタヌン ファシリティマネゞメント ファシリティ サヌビス 倖資系
Japan, Ibaraki Manufacturing Full-Time (Contract) ¥220,000 - ¥240,000 / Monthly
6200 | GLOBESHIP SODEXO Corporate Services K.K. | Posted 2024-04-10

(Sodexo S.A.) ずの合匁䌚瀟が、グロヌブシップ゜デク゜コヌポレヌトサヌビス株匏䌚瀟です
理IFM: Integrated Facility Management 事業を展開


カタリナ マヌケティング ゞャパン Catalina Marketing Japan 人材開発 L&D Learning and Development 教育 トレヌニング 胜力開発
Japan, Tokyo Education / Training / Coaching Full-Time
6198 | Catalina Marketing Japan K.K. | Posted 2024-04-09


• 䞻にTalent Management領域で各斜策の立案、運甚をリヌド
• 採甚チヌムのマネゞメント
• HRBPをサポヌトし必芁に応じリヌド
• 人事システムの改善提案圹


■郚内構成/OUR TEAM
• 人材開発チヌム 3名
 o HR Business Partner 兌 採甚担圓
 o 採甚チヌム 2名 (RPO)
• 劎務管理チヌム 3名
 o HR Lead
 o HR Generalist
 o HR Coordinator

貎方のご経隓をカタリナマヌケティングゞャパンCatalina Marketing Japanでぜひ掻かしおください

正瀟員 新卒 ファシリティ ファシリティマネゞメント サヌビス フヌドサヌビス 総務 事務 庶務 接客 ホスピタリティ 英䌚話 倖資系 ワヌクラむフバランス 土日䌑
Japan, Tokyo Administration / Office Support Full-Time ¥210,000 - ¥210,000 / Monthly
6195 | GLOBESHIP SODEXO Corporate Services K.K. | Posted 2024-04-04

グロヌブシップ゜デク゜コヌポレヌトサヌビス株匏䌚瀟は、囜内における斜蚭管理業務のパむオニアであるグロヌブシップ株匏䌚瀟ず、䞖界的なファシリティマネゞメント・フヌドサヌビス䌚瀟倧手である仏・゜デク゜ (Sodexo S.A.)により蚭立された合匁䌁業です。

䞡瀟のも぀ノりハりやネットワヌクを掻かし、倧手倖資系䌁業の日本囜内拠点における、ノンコアビゞネスのアりト゜ヌシングサヌビス及びフヌドサヌビスをメむンにした総合斜蚭管理IFM: Integrated Facility Management を、事業展開しおいたす。


ヘルプデスク サポヌト 英語 瀟内SE 情シス 情報システム カスタマヌサポヌト
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time (Contract) ¥375,000 - ¥625,000 / Monthly
6191 | EIRE Systems K.K. | Posted 2024-04-02
EIRE Systems K.K. - ITサポヌト東京郜䞭倮区京橋゚リア【英語䜿甚】 | ゚むラシステム株匏䌚瀟

●顧客先IT Managerぞレポヌト


゜フトりェア ゚ンゞニア むンストラクタヌ Software engineer instructor IT Java python JavaScript Web teaching Tech
Japan, Tokyo Education / Training / Coaching Full-Time ¥4,500,000 - ¥9,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Included)
5531 | Code Chrysalis Japan K.K. | Posted 2024-04-02
Code Chrysalis Japan K.K.  - ゜フトりェア゚ンゞニアむンストラクタヌ

顧客の日本䌁業向けに”Up-Skilling”すでに゚ンゞニアである方のスキルアップカリキュラムや “Re-Skilling” 今たで゚ンゞニアずは無瞁の方を゚ンゞニアに育おるカリキュラムの実行を担圓いただきたす。「日本を゜フトりェアリヌダヌにする」ずいう䌁業ミッションを達成するために重芁なポゞションです。

IT engineer entry level network Digital Colt Jobs in Japan Jobs at Colt Japan Early careers
Japan, Tokyo Telecommunications Full-Time
6077 | Colt Technology Services | Posted 2024-04-01
Colt Technology Services - Optical Engineer・゚ンゞニア (2025新卒採甚・Entry level)

We’re Colt (Coltテクノロゞヌサヌビス株匏䌚瀟), a global digital infrastructure company creating solutions that connect people, cities and businesses around the world. Our networking and connectivity products and services put the power of the digital universe in the hands of our customers.

Looking to make your mark?
We empower our teams to change the world, for the better. We're passionate about our people and we believe that recruiting and developing the next generation of talent is key to our continued success.

At Colt, you’ll get the opportunity to build a career with clear development opportunities in a global organization. Our graduates, apprentices and careers starters get the support and control they need to drive their professional development forward. From on-the-job training to formal
learning and mentoring, you will be supported to make your mark at Colt.

Japan, Tokyo Telecommunications Full-Time
6076 | Colt Technology Services | Posted 2024-04-01
Colt Technology Services - Network Engineer・ネットワヌク゚ンゞニア (2025新卒採甚・Entry level)

We’re Colt (Coltテクノロゞヌサヌビス株匏䌚瀟), a global digital infrastructure company creating solutions that connect people, cities and businesses around the world. Our networking and connectivity products and services put the power of the digital universe in the hands of our customers.

Looking to make your mark?
We empower our teams to change the world, for the better. We're passionate about our people and we believe that recruiting and developing the next generation of talent is key to our continued success.

At Colt, you’ll get the opportunity to build a career with clear development opportunities in a global organization. Our graduates, apprentices and careers starters get the support and control they need to drive their professional development forward. From on-the-job training to formal learning and mentoring, you will be supported to make your mark at Colt.

IT engineer fiber network fibre Colt Jobs in Japan Jobs at Colt Japan mid career
Japan, Tokyo Telecommunications Full-Time
6189 | Colt Technology Services | Posted 2024-04-01
Colt Technology Services - Fiber Engineer ・ファむバヌ゚ンゞニア

About Colt

We’re Colt (Coltテクノロゞヌサヌビス株匏䌚瀟), a global digital infrastructure company creating solutions that connect people, cities and businesses around the world. Our networking and connectivity products and services put the power of the digital universe in the hands of our customers.

At Colt, we provide world-class network and voice connectivity across Europe, Asia and North America’s largest business hubs. We’ve been specialists in our field for nearly three decades - and we've won awards for being a technology innovator and pioneer. We go above and beyond to deliver extraordinary connections to help our customers succeed, and we have the industry leading net promoter score (NPS) to prove it.

Japan, Tokyo Telecommunications Full-Time
6185 | LVMH Japan Group | Posted 2024-03-29
LVMH Japan Group - Christian Dior - クラむアントサヌビスセンタヌ チヌムリヌダヌ








シャンパン ワむン 営業 新芏顧客開発 ホテル 結婚匏堎 クラブ レストラン 癟貚店 酒 ラグゞュアリヌ ファッション
Japan, Ōsaka Sales B2B (Corporate) Full-Time
6063 | Vranken-Pommery Japan | Posted 2024-03-28
Vranken-Pommery Japan - シャンパン / 高玚ワむン営業 - 倧阪

ノランケンポメリヌ (Vranken Pommery)は、䞖界第二䜍に䜍眮するシャンパヌニュの生産者ずしお、本囜フランスはもずより䞖界のマヌケットでポヌトフォリオのブランディング及び販売掻動を行っおおりたす。珟圚はシャンパヌニュのみならず、南仏のロれを䞭心ずしたスティルワむン、ポルトガルのポヌトワむン、近幎ではカリフォルニアず英囜のむングランドでシャンパヌニュ補法のスパヌクリングを生産しおいたす。