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107 results

東京 AWS Tech lead クラウド IT 大手
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time ¥300,000 - ¥700,000 / Monthly
5658 | Tata Consultancy Services Japan Limited | Posted 2023-10-04
Tata Consultancy Services Japan Limited - Technical Lead(AWS)





アドテック 広告ソフト arago アラゴテクノロジー 顧客管理 技術サポート カスタマーサービス テクノロジー ソフトウェア IT メディア 広告 AI デジタル ad tech
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time ¥3,000,000 - ¥7,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Excluded)
5595 | MEDIAKEYS | Posted 2023-09-19
MEDIAKEYS - テクニカルサポート・アカウントマネージャー – Arago アドテクノロジー(アドテック)

メディアキーズ・ジャパン(Mediakeys Japan)は、グローバルブランド向けの広告、コミュニケーション、メディアソリューションのパイオニアである国際的な独立グループです。私たちの使命は、高度なAI機能とAragoプラットフォーム(アドテック)を活用し、ビジネスに革命を起こすことです。メディアキーズでは、日本でのチームを成長させており、現在クライアントとの主要な接点となる専任のアカウントマネージャーならびにテクニカルサポートエグゼクティブを募集しています。この重要な役割において、クライアントに優れたサポートを提供し、クライアントの広告キャンペーンを成功に導き、アラゴ・プラットフォームがクライアントに提供するメリットを最大化するために、あなたの専門知識が必要となります。

創造性、柔軟性、厳格さ、反応性を持っていますか ?

テクノロジーに精通し、クライアントとの関係を築くのが得意で、問題や課題を解決することに興味がある方は、ぜひメディアキーズ(Mediakeys Japan)にご連絡ください。Aragoと共に広告界に革命を起こす機会を楽しみにしています!

AI Matching Technologies AWS Rails Ruby on Rails ATS HR Tech Software Development WordPress Matching Chat GPT GitHub Heroku Application Tracking Systems Job Board Web Design backend security
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time ¥7,000,000 - ¥10,000,000 / Unspecified
5556 | | Posted 2023-09-13 - Ruby on Rails Developer (HR Tech - AI Matching Tech) is a growing HR Tech Start-Up in Japan. As we continue to grow our presence in Japan and preparing to scale internationally, we are looking at growing our IT team and are searching for a senior engineer and software application developer to help us improve our product and technology faster, and to help us provide more and more value to our clients recruiting in Japan.

We work in a startup atmosphere where each individual can and should take ownership and, have significant impact on the business and the corporate image of our organization. We are seeking a talented and experienced Ruby on Rails Software and App Developer to join our team. If you are one of those people interested in innovating, making a difference and disrupting the Japanese recruiting industry, you came to the right place - please contact us; we would love to discuss with you.

localization Software IT Automation Integration Jobs in Japan Workato saas Tech Materials market research
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time
5539 | Workato Japan | Posted 2023-09-12
Workato Japan - Localisation Specialist (for Enterprise Automation and Integration Software)

Workato (ワーカート) is a world-recognized software leader in enterprise automation. Founded in 2013, it is a startup company from Silicon Valley in the United States. We launched our Japan operation in 2021. We provide an all-in-one platform for organizational integration and business automation, and we have a track record of introducing it to more than 10,000 companies.

Here at Workato, we are a team moved by innovation — a passion to create the best possible way and the drive to continue to make it better. We also believe in the power of our team, knowing that we only succeed if we all succeed together. As our company grows, we’re looking for more brilliant minds to join us. Leaders that share our same drive and values to help make us stronger than ever.

As our Localisation Specialist for the Japan market, you will be responsible for adapting our software and services to cater to...

ad tech Advertising Software arago Client Management Technical Support Customer support technology Software Jobs IT Jobs in Japan tokyo jobs Digital
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time ¥3,000,000 - ¥7,000,000 / Annual (Bonus & Benefits Excluded)
5536 | MEDIAKEYS | Posted 2023-09-12
MEDIAKEYS - Technical Support and Account Manager - Arago Advertising Technology (Ad Tech)

Mediakeys Japan (メディアキーズ), is an international and independent group that pioneers in advertising, communication and media solutions for global brands. Our mission is to revolutionize businesses by empowering them with our advanced AI capabilities and and our Arago Platform (Ad Tech). We have been growing our team in Japan and are now seeking a dedicated Account Manager and Technical Support Executive to become the primary client interface. In this critical role, we will need your expertise to provide exceptional support to our clients and ensure they can generate successful advertising campaigns and maximize the benefits our Arago platform offers them.

You are fluent in both Japanese and English ?  Creative, flexible, rigorous and reactive ? Interested in digital media and Ad tech ? If you're tech-savvy, adept at client relationships, and enjoy solving problems or challenges, we e...

エンジニア コンサル IT VirtualCareerEvent Global english 英語 グローバル
Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time ¥274,000 - ¥287,000 / Monthly
5261 | Tata Consultancy Services Japan Limited | Posted 2023-05-17
Tata Consultancy Services Japan Limited - 【新卒】★2025年4月入社★ ソリューションエンジニア


Japan, Tokyo IT Full-Time
3662 | Fidel Technologies KK | Posted 2022-03-01



Fidel Technologies KK (フィデル・テクノロジーズ株式会社) (since 2001) is a Tokyo based LangTech Consulting firm & offers Technology - Localization - Bilingual Staffing services & solutions to global as well as SME Japanese clients.

If you are looking for a dynamic, creative and international working environment; if you are passionate about learning new technologies and building new skills, please contact us; we would love to have a chat with you!